Project Overview
The Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) examines transportation needs over a 25-year planning horizon using a continuous, comprehensive, and cooperative (3-C) planning process. LRTPs ensure that Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) evaluate transportation system needs and projects that align with regional goals, as well as a variety of federal and state requirements. LRTPs are updated at least every five years.
The SEDA-COG MPO is responsible for transportation planning in an eight-county Central Pennsylvania region that includes Clinton, Columbia, Juniata, Mifflin, Montour, Northumberland, Snyder and Union counties. The SEDA-COG MPO leads development of the region’s LRTP and works with PennDOT, local governments, transit operators, the public, and other stakeholders to identify multimodal transportation needs and strategies for the next 25 years. We are now in the process of updating the region’s LRTP to reflect a 2026-2050 horizon and welcome extensive public input for shaping the plan update.What should the future of our transportation system look like?
If you could change one thing about transportation within the region, tell us what you would choose. (max 140 characters).
27 November, 2024
Mariasha says:
I would like the rail trail in Lewisburg to cross Route 15, either via bridge, underpass or at least a traffic light!
21 November, 2024
Stina Stannik says:
Seconding what everyone has said about light rail/public transportation connections. Would be huge for commuting, traveling, shopping, etc.
11 November, 2024
Shaunna says:
Connection. Having a light rail that connects our communities more readily to each other and transportation hubs.
11 November, 2024
ChazeGregoir says:
A light rail system from the smaller central PA towns to hubs like Harrisburg or State College would absolutely change my life!
11 November, 2024
EKH says:
Public transportation and connections to rail travel on the east coast would exist for the area!
10 November, 2024
DLD says:
It would be wonderful to have regular public transportation with routes, marked stops, and anticipated timing of routes.
10 November, 2024
Lynn says:
Comprehensive, regional, across county lines, integrate public transport and walking/biking, from State College-Bloomsburg, Mansfield-Hbg
9 November, 2024
Smeiser says:
Subsidized Uber rides for low income families who need to transport infants and children with them (to appointments, errands).
9 November, 2024
Matt Glanfield says:
During the summer, replace parking spaces on Market St. in Lewisburg with patio dining spaces. Benefits local businesses and the community.
9 November, 2024
Matt Glanfield says:
Make Market St. in Lewisburg more walk & bike friendly. Slower & less traffic, no 18-wheelers. Improve the community and local businesses.
14 October, 2024
Dorothy Holloway says:
Allow children to safely walk or bike to schools. Need ped/bike bridge over roads like Rt 15, crossing guards, roads closed on arrival/deprt